Current Activities

  • 31 May 2021: We have recently become aware of a survey being sent out by a separate group (which we will not name). This survey is asking for specific details if you have had any legal action related to DES exposure, to include questions on settlement amounts, names of attorneys, and other personal and sensitive information related to these actions.
    Not only is this unacceptable and NONE of the business of any third party group, but also please take extreme caution before filling out these surveys. As you may be aware, most settlements have non disclosure agreements, and you could potentially be in violation of your settlement if you disclose to a third party. While we can not provide you legal advise, and are not in a position to advise you one way or the other, many of us who have seen this survey have extreme concerns about the detailed questions and purpose of this survey and would encourage everyone to think twice before submitting responses.
    We here at DES Coalition are here to provide help and support and to seek change, and will NEVER ask for this kind of information. If you have seen this survey, or submitted a response, you may want to consider contacting your attorney to discuss the matter further.

  • 20 April 2021: Please share our press release related to National DES Awareness week!

  • 07 April 2021: In recognition of National DES Awareness Week, first recognized by President Ronald Reagan in 1985, we've added information about this important event, which was first recognized from 21-27 April 1985.

  • 06 March 2021: Hello to everyone! Thank you very much for taking the time to visit our website. As you may know, we are a very new organization, and are still building our infrastructure in order to help bolster our goal of seeking justice for all those impacted by DES. At this time, we are currently building our network and our information in order to bring forth the most impactful case showing why justice for DES survivors is so crucial at this point in time.
    Now that our website is online and functional, we are starting to identify the best allies to help us move forward as we begin this campaign. Our founding members have started reaching out to public officials who are known to share some of the same diseases as those impacted by DES, and are in the first stages of designing our way forward.
    As we start developing this strategy, we would welcome your input, stories, and support. Please visit our "Personal Stories" page, and see how you can support the entire community by sharing your experiences with others who have been harmed by DES. If you have an idea to whom we can reach out who would be willing to help this cause, please email us at and submit your suggestion.
    Finally, our group would like to make clear that we are NOT a group that requires a subscription, fee, or any other entry requirement to join. If you have been impacted by DES, we are here to both listen to and support you, and would welcome you joining us in order to seek justice for all of us impacted by DES.
    If you would like to meet more members of our community, please visit our Facebook page at, and you can follow our updates and current activities on Twitter at
    Once again, thank you for visiting us, and we look forward to meeting with you and working with you to chart a path forward to find justice for all of us impacted by DES!
    -- DES Coalition Founding Members